Today I am starting a new post series on the blog just to spice things up a little bit! You must have already guessed by now that I am slightly obsessed with taking pictures (who am I kidding; totally obsessed!). This post – as well as the upcoming ones under this series in the near future – is a monthly roundup of my adventures around the city I live in, our very own Brussels, and the ones I explore whenever I get the chance to escape Europe’s capital. Since I like to play around with names (does “S Marks The Spots” ring a bell?), I decided to have some fun with it and name this series “The S Files”. Hope you like it too! In the meantime, don’t forget to follow my adventures on Instagram!

My favourite time of the day: cocooning by the fireplace enjoying a nice cup of tea (love both this mug and its message!). Second most favourite activity: experimenting at the kitchen – luckily, with pretty good results so far!

sfiles_april13_1Tried and tested: Vini Divini and La Canne à Sucre for dinner, Pepete & Ronron and El Vasco for tapas and last but not least, Flamingo for drinks. Check the ones that made it to the blog!

sfiles_april13_2Spring finally sprung in Brussels! Time for some colorful redecorating, picnics, gorgeous sunsets, discovering hidden arty corners, the best fish n’ chips in Brussels and the beautiful gardens of Keukenhof in the Netherlands.

sfiles_april13_3My favourite weekend of the whole month involved a mini escape to one of my favourite cities, Paris. Stay around for some great new spots I discovered there! In the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram.


Sandy (@smarksthespots)