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Cherry Blossom Girl - S Marks The Spots Blog

Spring has sprung, so it’s officially my favourite season! Together with the grey days and heavy clothes, I’m ready to leave behind all the things that made me laugh less these past few months and focus on those that give me joy. I’ll spare you the details but let’s just say that 2017 hasn’t been easy on me. But somehow, I managed to find my way out of a very difficult situation and finally feel like myself again. Days get longer, the nature awakens and I can’t wait to pick up my camera, get out there and capture all the beauty.

I took these pictures last year in Laeken, right before visiting the Royal Greenhouses, one of the best spots to visit in Belgium during spring. Fast forward a year later, I am editing them on a balcony overlooking the sea in Greece listening to this song and I can’t help but feel lucky that I get to see and share so many pretty places! 

I’m already making plans to escape the city for the upcoming Easter holidays and have a couple of recipe posts to share with you (better late than never, right?), so watch this space. In the meantime, I’m sending you lots of love from sunny Athens and hope you have a wonderful month. More updates coming on my Instagram too, so feel free to pop by and say hello!  

Top • Trousers • Jacket (similar Loafers  Sunglasses (similar) 

Cherry Blossom Girl - S Marks The Spots BlogCherry Blossom Girl - S Marks The Spots BlogCherry Blossom Girl - S Marks The Spots BlogCherry Blossom Girl - S Marks The Spots Blog

Sandy (@smarksthespots)